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Virginia and Alfred Kennedy, Philip Henry Alston Jr. and Alonzo and Vallye Dudley Galleries

Not Ready to Make Nice: Guerrilla Girls in the Artworld and Beyond

Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 — Sunday, Mar 01, 2015

“Not Ready to Make Nice” illuminated and contextualized the important historical and ongoing work of the Guerrilla Girls, highly original, provocative and influential artists who champion feminism and social change. Focusing primarily on recent work from the past decade, the exhibition features rarely shown international projects that trace the collective’s artistic and activist influence around the globe. In addition, a selection of iconic work from the 1980s and 1990s illustrated the formative development of the group’s philosophy and conceptual approach to arts activism.

Documentary material included ephemera from famous actions, behind-the-scenes photos and secret anecdotes that reveal the Guerrilla Girls’ process and the events that drive their incisive institutional interventions. This multimedia, expansive exhibition illustrated that the work of the anonymous, feminist-activist Guerrilla Girls is as vital and revolutionary as ever.


Neysa Page-Lieberman, Lynn Boland, Pierra Daura Curator of European Art (in-house) and Sarah Kate Gillespie, curator of American art (in-house)


The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art