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Virginia and Alfred Kennedy Gallery

The Silent Cities of Peru: Archaeological Photographs by Fernando La Rosa

Saturday, Jan 25, 2014 — Sunday, Mar 30, 2014

Fernando La Rosa brings a deep array of perspectives to his portraits of the awesome stones and vistas of the Silent Cities of his native Peru. He has visited these sites over many years, during which time his photography has been grounded in a rigorous questioning of the image. This questioning advances the tradition of archaeological photography into one of ontology. Rosa’s long relationship with the sites of Chavín Huántar, Sechín and Machu Picchu has allowed him access no longer available to the casual visitor. As a result of overnight stays, he records elemental events such the arrival of the sun into interior sacred spaces. La Rosa captures the mystery of these amazing, massive stones, which inspire a sense of disbelief at the skills and labor that brought these cities into being.


Paul Richelson, Mobile Museum of Art; Laura Valeri, associate curator of European art (in-house)


The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art